Thursday, June 3, 2010

Currently I'm reading :

A month ago i got 3 boxes of old books as a gift. WOW!!!  Most of it are Afrikana, but there are a few nice english books too. One of them is Shakespeare's "King Lear". Most of you probably read Shakespeare at school, but i never had the chance. We read "RAKA", haha, wonder who remembers Raka.
SO yeah, for the first time I'm reading Shakespeare. 
It's a challenging read, but I enjoy it!!! A LOT!!


Maryx said...

Good luck with that. I hated Macbeth. Jy's baie braaf! =)

desi said...

lol! ek dink daar 's verskil as mens gedwing word om dit te lees EN te ontleed! :) ek hou van die boek is perfek!! ek soek 'a Midsummer-Night's Dream' ook!! dis my favourite movie!!!

Janine / Being Brazen said...

I love Shakespeare, but definitely a challenging read.

Ps - if you want to do a book review on it after for my book blog - please let me know :)

Amanda from Freshly Sharpened Pencils said...

I remember the fact that we read 'Raka', but can't for the life of me remember what it was about. Back then I couldn't get into reading Shakespeare, so watched movies instead before each exam!